Coming to terms with disability and uncertainty about the future can be a challenge. Many survivors feel misunderstood, lonely and afraid. Loved ones often feel overwhelmed. Small groups are the heart of a comprehensive recovery program. In a safe and supportive group, members can learn effective coping skills and develop flexible emotional, mental and spiritual attitudes and behaviors.

Our intimate group meets weekly and offers a safe place to heal and re-vision your life with stroke:

  • Share your story and listen with compassion

  • Learn and practice new attitudes and behaviors

  • Experience meditation, guided imagery and guided somatic exercises

  • Participate in creative and fun activities

Group members are encouraged to commit to the next step in rebuilding their lives, practice letting go, and cultivate acceptance.

May we sit with wisdom and compassion
at the ancient fires
of dashed hopes
and lost dreams
May the pain which brings us together
become the cave we enter
in reverent descent
and surrender
to what
May we have the courage
to bear this rebirth
by Carol Howard Wooton, from Wounded Healers 


Members from diverse ethnic and social communities connect to the vulnerability and strength within themselves and one another. That which separates survivors from the mainstream is precisely what creates a community of belonging. Everyone matters. The body is re-inhabited. Hope is rekindled.

Contact Carol

PO Box 448, Fairfax, CA 94978